"Transgender" refers to the one whose biological gender and psychosocial gender is same through sex-change surgery, that they reached agreement with the opposite is different from the "transvestism" and "gay". 变性人是指通过变性手术使自己的生物性别与心理性别达到一致的人,他们不同于以着异性服装为癖好的异装癖及以同性为性对象的同性恋。
PACS is a new-style family relationship, which could be entered into by couples whether of a different or the same gender in order to organize their life together. Rights and obligations between pacses could be determined by registered agreement; legal binding is looser than marriage. PACS是异性或同性伴侣为组织共同生活而登记的一种新型的家庭关系,这种关系中的权利义务可由登记的协议确定,法定约束力弱于婚姻。